Mining Bitcoin With a PC

      Mining Cryptocurrency on a PC

We all know the recent hikes in Cryptocurrency ranks. To mention a few and their acronyms ;
*Bitcoin - Btc
*Etherum - Eth
*Litecoin - Ltc
And many others.
There has been a controversy on working ways to earn Cryptocurrency legitimately with personal computers. Some methods are just NOT what they portray. Some end up using your PC's performance to mine for them , hence there is a scam! Relax and carefully follow the given ways to mine Cryptocurrency passively and legitimately on your PC. The following methods provide you with the ability to go about your normal activities on your PC while mining cryptos!

            NB: The following steps would aid you to mine Cryptocurrency GPU-based . Another advanced tutorial involving hardware attachments to enhance mining will also be made available.
Be sure to be opening the link on a computer since there is NO mobile version of it. It requires you just to sign up with your Google or Facebook account and you're good to go. Indicating that you can login anywhere anytime to continue mining your cryptos.The link is given out below:
For guidelines, you can contact me
